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Detailed introduction of DC Drives!

Author:TLDETime:2021-10-11 09:23:13views

Informative abstract:

DC Drives is a kind of motor speed control device, including dc motor speed, pulse width, DC Drives, SCR dc speed regulator, etc., generally for modular dc motor speed regulator, integrating the power

DC Drives is a kind of motor speed control device, including dc motor speed, pulse width, DC Drives, SCR dc speed regulator, etc., generally for modular dc motor speed regulator, integrating the power, control, drive circuit, using three-dimensional structure layout, control circuit adopts micro components, power consumption through photoelectrical coupler isolation transformation of the current, voltage, The proportionality constant, integral constant and differential constant of the circuit are adjusted by PID adapter. With small size, light weight and other characteristics, can be used alone or directly installed on the DC motor to form an integrated DC speed regulating motor, can have all the functions of the governor.

DC Drivesis to adjust the speed of DC motor equipment, DC motor has the characteristics of low speed and large torque, is not replaced by AC motor, so adjust the speed of DC motor equipment - DC Drives has a wide range of applications.


Applicable occasions

A DC Drives is required in the following situations:

1. Wide speed range is required;

2. Fast dynamic response process is required;

3. The transition process that needs automatic smoothing during acceleration and deceleration;

4. Large torque when running at low speed;

5. Good excavator characteristics are required to automatically limit the overload current to the set current.

The above five points are also the application characteristics of DC Drives.

Range of application

Nc machine tools, papermaking, printing, textile printing and dyeing, optical fiber cable equipment, packaging machinery, electrical machinery, food processing machinery, rubber machinery, biological equipment, printed circuit board equipment, laboratory equipment, welding cutting, light industry, machinery, logistics, transportation equipment, vehicles, medical equipment, communications equipment, radar equipment, satellite ground receiving system.

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