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In what scenarios should you choose to use a DC Drives?

Author:TLDETime:2021-10-11 09:14:07views

Informative abstract:

In what scenarios should you choose to use a DC Drives?1, DC Drives needs a wide speed range.2. The DC Drives needs a fast dynamic response process.3. Automatic smooth transition process is required d

In what scenarios should you choose to use a DC Drives?

1, DC Drives needs a wide speed range.

2. The DC Drives needs a fast dynamic response process.

3. Automatic smooth transition process is required during acceleration and deceleration.

4, need to operate at low speed when the torque is large.

5. Better excavator characteristics are required to automatically limit the overload current to the set current.


DC Drives can also be widely used in the numerical control machine tools, papermaking, printing, textile printing and dyeing, optical fiber cable equipment, packaging machinery, electrical machinery, food processing machinery, rubber machinery, biological equipment, printed circuit board equipment, laboratory equipment, welding cutting, light industry, machinery, logistics, transportation equipment, vehicles, medical equipment, communications equipment, radar, satellite ground receiving system, etc Industry.

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