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Use of DC motor Drives and matters needing attention

Author:TLDETime:2021-10-11 09:36:39views

Informative abstract:

Dc motor Drives parameters:1. Input voltage: AC220V.2, output voltage: DC0-90V, 0-110V, 0-160V, 0-180V, 0-220V.3, output current: DC: 4A6A8A10A15A20A.4, rated excitation voltage/current: 110V220V (DC)

Dc motor Drives parameters:

1. Input voltage: AC220V.

2, output voltage: DC0-90V, 0-110V, 0-160V, 0-180V, 0-220V.

3, output current: DC: 4A6A8A10A15A20A.

4, rated excitation voltage/current: 110V220V (DC) /3A.

5: given signal: 0~5V (DC) standard signal (such as: PLC signal control or SCM signal control) or 10K/2W potentiometer.

Characteristics of DC motor Drives:

1, speed regulation ratio 1:100 (open loop) output voltage (0- rated)

2. High starting torque at low speed.

3, PWM pulse width modulation technology, low noise.

4, double closed loop PI adjustment.

5, current setting, current limiting protection, over current alarm function.

6, locking control function

7, soft start soft stop time setting function.

8, upper and lower limit speed setting function.

9. Good following and quick response.

10, standard signal interface (adapt to various DA signals, 0-5V or 0-10V).

Use of DC motor Drives:

1. Place the DC Drives chassis in a place with good ventilation and no corrosive gas. Check that the internal screws are not loose due to transportation.

2, access the AC power line, according to the positive and negative connect the excitation voltage, otherwise it will cause inversion.

3. At the output end of the main armature circuit, the + pole is connected to the positive pole of the main armature of the DC motor, and the - pole is connected to the negative pole of the main armature.

4. Speed feedback + pole is connected to the positive pole of the feedback signal of the speed measuring generator, and speed feedback - pole is connected to the negative pole of the feedback signal of the speed measuring generator.

5, before the operation of the panel to manually adjust the potentiometer to zero. Then send the power supply voltage, and then rotate the knob of the manual adjustment potentiometer to start the armature motor to work and output up to 200V.

Notes for DC motor Drives:

1, DC Drives application environment, should be no dust, low humidity, good ventilation environment.

2, regularly check the operation of the controller and clean the dust on the radiator. Ensure that the heat dissipation of the module is good.


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